Metadata in pages, assets, layouts and includes

Metadata is a set of attributes which can be assigned to pages, layouts and includes and also used in the configuration.

Metadata is using YAML syntax and is specified in the front matter of a file. This is the data fenced with --- at the beginning of the file

title: My Page
# Page1


Below are the basic syntax options for the front matter attributes


Variable can be specified by providing the key-value pair separated by :

title: My Page
order: 1
toc: false


Array elements can be specified by using -

  - page1
  - page2
  - page3


Dictionary is a collection of key-value pairs and can be defined as follows:

    key1: val1
    key2: val2
    key3: val3

Complex Structures

Complex structures can be defined by nesting simple variables and arrays

  property1: Value
    - Val1:
      - SubVal1:
        - SubSubVal1
      - SubVal2:
        - SubSubVal2


Docify supports inheritance when composing the metadata for pages, layouts, includes and configuration.

For example, when the layout inherits another layout, the parent's layout metadata will be merged with child's layout metadata and new properties will be added. If the property already exists, in the lower-level layout it won't be overridden.

Arrays can inherit the values from the higher-level layout by using the $ special value.

For example

Layout L1

prp1: X
prp3: Y
  - v1
  - v2
  - x1
  - x2

Layout L2

layout: l1
prp1: A
prp2: B
  - z1
  - z2
  - $
  - k1
  - k2

As the result metadata of layout L2 will look:

prp1: A
prp2: B
prp3: Y # copied from the parent's layout
arr1: # overrides parent's array
  - z1
  - z2
arr2: #inherits the values from the parent's array and adds new values
  - x1
  - x2
  - k1
  - k2

Naming Convention

You can use any naming convention compatible with YAML, however, default naming convention adapted across all items in the standard library is lisp-case, i.e. all words are lower case separated by a hyphen, e.g. prp1, my-property.

This convention is required when Deserializing The Metadata To Structure. In this case, the attributes namings in the metadata should follow lisp-case, while property names in the class should follow PascalCase.

Accessing Data

When creating elements with the dynamic content, metadata is usually accessed to compose the dynamic nodes on the page. There are several APIs available to read this data from the model

Getting The Attribute Value By Name

IContextMetadata implements IReadOnlyDictionary<string, object> which means all the methods to get data from dictionary are applicable.

Additionally IContextMetadata interface provides additional methods for safe extraction and casting of values:

@using RazorLight
@using System
@using Xarial.Docify.Base.Context
@inherits TemplatePage<Xarial.Docify.Base.Context.IContextModel>
    var val = Model.Data.GetOrDefault<bool>("bool-field");

GetOrDefault method returns the value of the specified field casting this to the specified type or default value if the field is not assigned.

Deserializing The Metadata To Structure

For complex structures, it might be beneficial to deserialize the data into the class for easier access.

Use Xarial.Docify.Lib.Tools.DataDeserializer class and provide the type of the class to deserialize and the metadata. Note the naming convention for naming the property names of the class.

text-value: Value1
  key1: a1
  key2: a2
  key3: a3
  - b1
  - b2
  - b3
@using RazorLight
@using Xarial.Docify.Lib.Tools
@inherits TemplatePage<Xarial.Docify.Base.Context.IContextModel>
    public class MyData
        public string TextValue { get; set; }
        public Dictionary<string, string> Keys { get; set; }
        public string[] Arr { get;set; }
    var data = DataDeserializer.Deserialize<MyData>(Model.Data);

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