Optimizing images plugin for Docify

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This plugin automatically optimizes images used in the site in 2 ways

  • Applying lossless image compression to significantly reduce file size. This functionality is implemented using the nQuant.Core.NETStandard library
  • Converting vector graphics images (SVG) into the PNG files. This functionality is implemented using the Svg library

SVG to PNG conversion is useful when SVG file is not supported (for example Open Graph image attribute og:image) while it is still beneficial to keep .svg file, as it is smaller in size and easier to maintain and it can be scaled to any size. This plugin will convert the file and inject image-png attribute to the page file which can be used by includes or layouts as needed.


  • match-pattern - array of patterns to image files to optimize (by default matches all common image formats: .png, .jpg, .jpeg, .bmp, .tif, .tiff)
  • ignore-match-case - true (default) to ignore the case of pattern
  • svg-png-width - width of the png image to generate (default 1200). Use 0 to maintain aspect ratio
  • svg-png-height - width of the png image to generate (default 0). Use 0 to maintain aspect ratio


Set the parameters in the configuration file.

    - |*_do_not_optimize.png$
    - *.png$
    - *.jpg$
    - *.bmp$
  svg-png-width: 600

When using this plugin on Linux systems (such as Ubuntu) or MacOS, it is required to install the libgdiplus library.

Run the following command in the terminal to install the library


> sudo apt install libgdiplus


> brew install mono-libgdiplus

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